Thursday, July 7, 2016

Review: Jay, B. (1988). "The Thing Itself"

Lovely article that points to the need for sustained interest and practice in developing a “voice,” which might be more properly described as a unique body of work, body being a word used to describe a boundary.  Ironically, this can be found only when one is not looking for it, cultivated only when one is interested in something other than cultivation.  Being a photographer is first and foremost being someone interested in producing a visual record of a particular subject.

“...most of the Great Names used in academia, for the inspiration and edification of students, would not be eligible for graduate studies, let alone as faculty members. Most of them were professional photographers, earning their livings on assignment in journalism, industry, fashion, medicine, and a host of other photographic applications. My point is that great (even artistic) photography is not a function of environment or a prerogative of academia.”

“The fact of the matter is that photography cannot bear the intellectual weight with which it is fashionable to burden it. Photography is not an intellectual game but an emotional response to charged living.”
